Uncharted. Awe:riented.
Recently Completed
Rami Avraham Efal, Rabbi, Israel-born and descendent of Polish and Hungarian Holocaust survivors, is a student of the late Zen Buddhist teacher Bernie Glassman and world renowned peace-builder Dr. Paula Green. A Zen practitioner since 2005, he lived, studied and rigorously trained for four years at Zen Mountain Monastery and the Zen Center of New York City where he received lay Zen Buddhist ordination (Jukai) in 2011. He is a dharma holder in Glassman’s Zen Peacemaker lineage, the former executive director of Zen Peacemakers International and has organized and co-led the Bearing Witness retreats in Auschwitz-Birkenau and the Native American Bearing Witness programs. He is a certified trauma-informed mindfulness teacher through the Engaged Mindfulness Institute, a level 3 Way of Council facilitator, a cross-cultural conflict transformation practitioner trained at School of International Training in Vermont, and a graduate of the Davvenen' Leadership Training Institute (DLTI) for Jewish prayer. He has volunteered as a chaplain-intern offering grief counseling in Trauma 1 hospitals and hospices in New York. Rami has trained as a cantor and received smicha, rabbinic ordination and authorization to teach, from Aleph Ordination Program in the Neo-Hassidic Jewish Renewal lineage of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z”l in January 2024. In June 2024, Rami received a second smicha to teach Neo-Hassidism from prolific professor Rabbi Avaham (Art) Green, student of R. Abraham Joshua Heschel.
Rami offers spiritual direction, pastoral care, ancestral chaplaincy, musical prayer, teaching on Jewish non-duality & mysticism, Buddhist meditation, nonviolent communication, and contemplative creativity in the New York area & internationally. He self-deploys on chaplaincy, humanitarian & bearing witness missions globally, and is a published and presented visual artist.
Prayer, Music & Art
A note about Buddhist practice & cultural humility.
Rami was born into a Jewish Ashkenazi east-European body-lineage, and has studied, practiced and incorporated Buddhism into his life. He is keenly aware of the nuanced cross-cultural geo-sensitive power-aware aspects of the meetings of these body & spiritual lineages. He is indebted to descendants of Buddhist cultures & heritages. While the Buddhist teachings are timeless and universal, Rami is aware that his Buddhist practice is in no way equal in karmic content and weight to those whose lives and communities have been shaped by Buddhism for centuries. Rami is in ongoing exploration and conversations of how these lineages manifest, and meet.
Media Highlights
The Territory is My Body
Report from Immersion with Global Indigenous Leaders in Santa Marta, Colombia, January 2018
On Bearing Witness in Auschwitz Birkenau
Interview with Jewish Ancestral Healing Podcast, September 2020
Being Seen
Interview with the Greenfield Recorder on Bearing Witness in Rwanda
Sermon recorded on Pentecost & Shavuot, on bearing witness, weaving Christian and Jewish prayer, sources and communities, at Allen Temple AME Church, Mt. Vernon, NY USA 5/28/2023