Radical Interiority. Together.
Invite Rami to your community, corporation & organization
Rabbi Rami is available to facilitate teachings, programs and services in various environments ranging from the secular to devotional. These offerings can be online and in-person, ranging in duration from one-of events, a set of weekly series, or weekend intensives, all offered with Rami’s blend of presence, music, love for Hebrew language, experiential practice and planetary cross-cultural awareness.
Current Curriculum Offered
Yah Ekhsof / The Hebrew Language of Yearning & Presence
King, Lover, Twin, Nothing / Forms of Relationship with the Absolute in Jewish Mysticism
Zeh / The Nature of Reality through Zen Buddhism & Jewish Mysticism
Enter the Ancestral:Emergent / Universal Path to Personal, Collective and Ancestral Mind, Ethics & Healing
Nazir: Temple of One Primer / Heeding the Call of the Jewish Monastic
Gliding the Thermal / The Creative Process, Spiritual Practice and Artistry
Hebrew Peacemaker Primer / Not Knowing, Bearing Witness, Taking Action, and the Legacy of Bernie Glassman
The Contemplative Shabbat / Prayer & Meditation Journey through Asha”n, Deep Space, Deep Time & Deep Consciousness
Solu / Survey of Jewish Meditation Practices from Kabbalist and Hassidic sources
Tohu Wisdom Primer / Introduction to Jewish Neo-Hassidic Nonduality
Niggun Primer / The Musical Devotional Practice
The Koans of the Jewish Calendar Cycle
The Talmud Koan Curriculum
Meditation Intensives & Hassidic Devotional Prayer Music Intensives
When You Invite Rami to Your Community
To lead group classes, meditation retreats, musical portals; facilitate transformative conversations, explore creativity, lead services, or share from his humanitarian & peacemaking action, you invite inclusive, global awareness and radical interiority. You invite nuanced world experience from Rami’s cross-cultural background and work with world refugees, with other indigenous peoples of the world, buddhist training, Jewish ancestry, slow prayer and generous silence.
You invite a teaching space that is joyful, playful, creative, infused with fluency of modern & ancient Hebrew. You invite Rami’s experiences as Zen Buddhist and appreciator of other faiths.
Along with Jewish ancestral prayer garments like tallit & kippah (prayer shawl and cap,) rabbi Rami may wear a Rakusu, a bib-like garment worn by Zen Buddhists around the neck. It is a small version of the traditional Buddhist monks’ robe. It signifies one’s taking of Buddhist vows.
Rami may accompany prayer with a frame drum, djembe, guitar & a shruti box (an Indian one-note drone accordion.)