Jewish Prayer & Music
For centuries in Arab & Middle Eastern Jewish communities, the piyyut poetry was used as a spiritual practice in-itself and to supplement canon communal prayer. In the middle ages, when persecution of religious freedom prohibited public prayer, piyyut replaced the material sang in local-traditional synagogue services all together. For the last five hundred years since, Hassids practiced the wordless dveykus niggun song form of the Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jewry to facilitate altered states for prayer, offering maps into the depth of the human soul.
Rami's music draws from Middle Eastern melodies, Eastern European Ashkenazi cantorial repertoire and dveykus niggunim, and his original compositions. Weaving meaning, ancestral connection, devotion & non-dual awareness absorption practices, Jewish psychonautic prayer transforms collective spaces, hearts and minds, both in those who share Jewish heritage, experience or identity, and by those who belong to other cultures and faiths.
Rami offers them in his private and group teachings, services, events, and song circles. He often accompanies them with a guitar, a shruti box, a djembe or a frame drum.
Tuesday 8/1/2023 8pm-9:30pm ET. An evening dedicated to the song of love of lovers, and love of awareness itself.