Porous. Granular.

Bearing Witness at the Nova Festival Memorial, NYC, Event, June 21 2024
On bearing witness at the Nova Festival memorial exhibition in New York City, June 2024

Nothing Depends on You.
Consciousness, Grief, Praise, and Awakening the Peacemaker. Appeared first in a shorter form as “The Gate of kina,” Rami’s talk at his rabbinic transmission & ordination ceremony from Aleph seminary on 26 Tevet 5784,1/7/2024 in Denver, Colorado, Turtle Island, USA.

Ma’a’gal Ki’nah / Grief Ritual for Tisha b'Av 5783
9 (Tisha) b’Av, an online grief ritual event, open to all. 7/26/2023 7:30-9:30pm ET.

Being Pentecost
Sermon recorded on Pentecost & Shavuot, on bearing witness, weaving Christian and Jewish prayer, sources and communities, at Allen Temple AME Church, Mt. Vernon, NY USA 5/28/2023

Tending to the Ashkenazi Jewish Ancestral Pain-Body on Yom Hashoah 5783
Community Chanting, Prayer, and Listening-Sharing on Holocaust Memorial Day 5783, Tuesday 4/18/2023 7pm ET, Online

Peacemaker Prayer of Rabbi Nachman
The Peacemaker Prayer by Rabbi Nahman is an incantation for planetary peace and affirmation of non-dual reality. Here in Hebrew and English.

2023 Financial Patronage Appeal
Rami Avraham Efal calls for financial patronage towards deployments and trainings in 2023: Humanitarian outreach, cross-cultural bearing witness, music & creativity, meditation & consciousness, Jewish & Buddhist non-duality.

Passage Practices: Casting Away of Remnants, Blessing of the Dwelling Place & Prayer of the Road
How awareness practices during times of passage bring insight into impermanence, empathy to those experiencing displacement & homelessness, and face ancestral trauma that has been trapped in physical spaces & bodies for generations.

Walking in Each Other’s Temples
Conversations on Buddhism & Judaism, cultural humility, universalism & ancestry, and the sense of choice.

Passover in Przemyśl: A Travelog
Humanitarian Deployment, Art, Ritual & Ancestral Healing, Bearing Witness to the 2022 Ukrainian Exodus

Karma is Ancestors, Weaving the Great Tapestry
Reflection on the One World Bearing Witness 2020 Vigil, Personal Lineages, and Planetary Ancestral Peacemaking

Bearing Witness with the Indigenous Peoples of Northern and Southern America
Reports from actions and programs bearing witness with indigenous peoples of Northern and Southern America

On Bearing Witness in Auschwitz-Birkenau
Rami Avraham Efal interviewed on the Jewish Ancestral Healing Podcast by Rav Kohenet Taya Ma Shere, about the practice of ritual silence and bearing witness at the site of the Nazi concentration camp.

Passover in Piraeus: A Travelog
Bearing Witness with Afghan, Syrian and Yazidi Refugees, Greece, April 2016